Tampa Catholic High School

The Easthampton Public Schools are governed by a seven-member school committee, which includes the mayor, elected every two years (the mayor serves four year terms). Active parent involvement is encouraged in the parent/teacher organization, school councils, Easthampton Community Association, School Volunteers, Chamber of Commerce and the Regional Education Business Alliance. Easthampton is especially proud to have been cited by the Massachusetts Department of Education as a leader in collaborative site-based decision making.

School Committee Meetings:

Usually every other Tuesday at 6pm. Check the calendar above for dates. 

All School Committee Agendas and login information will be posted 48 hours before meetings here: www.easthamptonma.gov/AgendaCenter
Select 'School Committee' and the date you would like to view. The PDF agenda includes the zoom link to each meeting.

School Committee Budget FY2025-26

School Committee Budget FY2024-25

School Committee Budget FY2023-24

Powerpoint Presentation FY2024 (PDF) presented at School Committee Meeting 3/28/2023 

School Committee Budget Hearing FY2022-23

Powerpoint Presentation presented at School Committee Meeting 3/22/2022 (PDF)

School Committee Budget Hearing Meeting 3/22/2022 (via Easthampton Media youtube link)

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