Tampa Catholic High School

A group of children are playing with colorful blocks on a table

The Special Education Office is responsible for providing services to students with disabilities who receive services via IEPS.

Special education begins in our integrated pre-school program for students who are 3-5 years old. Please visit the web page for our Preschool Program for further information.

Special education services are available to eligible students from age 3 – 22. We strive to provide all students with an individualized program in the least restrictive environment (LRE) with the necessary supports to meet with success. The individualized program is developed at the TEAM meeting.

Collaborative work among staff (e.g.,general and special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and other specialists) provides for a multi-disciplinary approach to education. The specialists that are available to teams include Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Behavior Specialists, Autism Consultants, Speech and Language Pathologists, and School Psychologists.

The TEAM process is one that allows all staff, parents, and students to participate in the analysis of testing results, and to determine if the student has an impairment and then whether or not that disability hinders a student’s ability to master the curriculum.

An IEP will be developed if it is determined that the student has a disability which impairs his/her ability to learn and learning gaps have been documented. The IEP designs specialized instruction that will be provided to the student in an attempt to close the learning gap. The IEP also documents what the progress monitoring techniques will be, when they will be implemented, and who is responsible for them.

Special Education programs and services are determined at the student’s TEAM meeting and may include:

  1. Inclusion Services: special education staff provide support to students collaboratively wit the general education teacher in the general education classroom setting.
  2. Pull-Out Services: students are pulled out of the general education classroom for small group, specially designed instruction is presented for skill gaps.
  3. Substantially Separate: students are pulled out for the school day to receive specially designed instruction and services in an alternate setting.


If you have questions regarding the services outlined in your child’s current IEP, or to request/change the date of an IEP meeting, please contact the Special Education Coordinator.

For other questions,please contact the appropriate Special Education staff member:

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