Easthampton Families:

Please click on the file below titled "Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan Jan 2023 with tracked changes" to view the Easthampton Public Schools revised Bullying Prevention Plan. The areas highlighted on the document are updates required by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The file titled "Bullying Prevention & Intervention Plan Changes" is a short slideshow that shows the page numbers of all updates to the Plan. Please fill out the questionnaire linked below if you would like to provide any feedback on Easthampton's Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan.

Best, Allison LeClair, Superintendent

To provide feedback on the Bullying Plan, fill out this questionnaire.

To report bullying in Easthampton Public Schools, fill out this Bullying Incident Reporting form and return it to school officials.

To report any other student concerns quickly to school officials, click on the "Anonymous Alerts" button below:

Bullying Prevention Resources